Do you know what an industrial corridor is?

mayo 19, 2022

At CBPark we know the importance of having a good location to maximize the productivity of all the companies that are part of our great family. For this reason, we are located within the Hunucmá Industrial Corridor, the area with the highest industrial growth in Yucatán!

But, do you already know what an industrial corridor is?

What is an industrial corridor?

Currently there is a great confusion between what is an industrial corridor and an industrial park; however, it is important to remember that although some industrial corridors are often also industrial parks, they are not the same and today we will try to clarify everything.

In a few words, an industrial corridor is that territorial delimitation where companies whose main objective is production for export are located. In general, these companies tend to be of foreign origin, although some national ones can also be found.

However, it´s important to remember the definition of an industrial park in order to fully understand the difference.

The Secretariat of Economy tells us the following:

An industrial park refers to a delimited area specially designed for the establishment of an industrial plant in adequate conditions of location, infrastructure, equipment and services, with a permanent administration for its operation.

Industrial activities

There are many industrial activities that can be carried out within an industrial corridor; although, the most common are:

  • Textile and footwear.
  • Electronics.
  • Food and drinks.
  • Metalworking.
  • Automotive and auto parts.
  • And many more!

This is mainly due to the fact that Mexico is considered a strategic territory in the world thanks to its proximity to the US, for this reason the industrial corridors are a great source of jobs in the country, which helps promote its development. .

Remember that at CBPark we are located within the Hunucmá Industrial Corridor, which allows us to have a series of geographical advantages, for example:

  • Just 20 minutes from the Mérida International Airport.
  • Only 45 minutes from the Port of Height of Progreso.

Contact us and establish or relocate your company in the best Industrial Park in the southeast of Mexico!
