Industrial parks Mexico

All about industrial parks

Reasons that make industrial parks Mexico a key factor in the economy and regional economic development:

They boost cooperation between companies, potentiate regional economic development and serve as a base for industrial technological innovation.  Through the Mexican Association of Industrial Parks, the attraction of foreign investment increases, which brings several benefits, for example, generation of direct and indirect jobs in sectors such as construction, transportation, machinery, logistics services and local service providers, food, hospitals, etc.

But before going through the list of benefits that an industrial park brings to the local economy, let’s investigate their history and how ancient economic systems made use of these spaces or industrial complexes.

History of industrial parks in the world

Where did this idea come from, or rather, what needs did they seek to satisfy? It is not uncommon to think of Rome as a pioneer or protagonist in the technological and economic advances of mankind. At the end of the day, the Roman Empire was the world regime for at least 500 years.

Ancient Rome started everything related to massive warehousing, the need to store, preserving extra sulfur crops or other kinds of goods, was current.

Back in Ancient Rome pre-Augustan structures (pre – 33 B.C.) organization lay-out was according to workers social status organization. This has been a starting point under which the labor force in the industrial facilities continues to be organized, due to the constant certifications and culture of continuous education that modern industry demands.

It is a loop that encourages the workforce to also adopt this culture of continuing education and training. Technological innovation demands this trend of skilled labor, higher income, and a boost to local economies.

Another important moment in the history of industrial warehouses is right during the Industrial Revolution, it is at this time that the term becomes a «verb», due to the great need and demand to meet the massive industrial logistic that was emerging.

With the constant commercial growth that the railroad industry came to boost, the need to have spaces to store or carry out massive industrial activities, to create massive storage points for distribution was crucial.

Undoubtedly, the social and cultural context of society sets the needs and characteristics that an industrial park must satisfy over time.

It is said that during World War II, new manufacturing processes required heavy machinery which in turn created the need to build new storage structures. To meet the needs of a world at war, an adjustable pallet racking storage system was created during the 1940s and 1950s.

In the 70’s, the technological revolution and the incorporation of bar coding as a tool for organization and control of merchandise was normal. One third of the supermarkets in the United States by the mid 80’s were under the UPC code and barcode system.

industrial parks Mexico

Industrial Parks in Mexico

In Mexico, the creation of industrial parks is due to the need to provide optimal conditions for the commercial needs of modern industry in the country.

One of the purposes of these industrial areas is to relocate companies in order to provide them with better access, infrastructure, equipment and services.

Industrial parks are usually located outside of urban areas to provide easy access to the main roads and to facilitate the distribution and logistics processes of the companies located there.

Another important factor in the construction of these parks is the use of land, so it is important to have all the permits required by local, state, and national institutions.

Having a controlled environment allows companies to optimize their commercial operations and increase their productivity.  This gives a boost to industrial areas with convenient and adequate facilities for the optimal operational flow of today’s industry.

The list of advantages that industrial parks Mexico theoretically offer is the following: basic infrastructure services, permits and licenses for industrial operations, a location that offers high connectivity by land, air or sea, close to urban settlements and, finally, an internal administration that regulates the conditions and activities of the park’s residents.

The history of industrial parks Mexico begins when the need to satisfy the demand for products that, due to World War II in Europe, no longer reached Mexican territory.

This led to the creation of local companies that served as a stimulus to the local, state and national economies. Key sectors of investment and economic growth were energy providers.

However, the economic crisis of the 1980s in Mexico drastically affected the national industry; it was not until The Free Trade Agreement that the country’s economy was revived, and the injection of foreign investment began.

The economic growth of the 90’s and The Trade Agreement consolidated Mexico in the global economic panorama. Since then, the country has several geographically strategic points of industrial complexes, among which we can mention Baja California, Jalisco, Guanajuato, State of Mexico, Nuevo Leon and currently Yucatan, where CBPark is located. CBPark in Yucatan, is unique in the southeast of the country, due to its location and air, land, and sea connections.

Although the industrial parks Mexico were in specific industrial areas of the country, today these areas have diversified, opening more and better opportunities for modern industry.


CBPark is the only industrial park of its kind in the Southeast of Mexico, with first class infrastructure, strategic location, fully legalized, through local, state, and national licenses, is undoubtedly the best option for investors and manufacturers.

If your interest is to diversify your investments or expand your operations to the southeast of Mexico, in CBPark we have agreements that protect industrial activity, but also ensure the welfare and environmental sustainability of the region, as well as the preservation of available natural resources.

It optimizes the activities and processes of small and medium enterprises looking for a safe place for their business activities. The Park has specifications that guarantee and protect the industrial activity of investors and employees inside and outside the facilities of the business complex.

CBPark industrial facilities host companies with activities that serve as distribution, logistics and warehousing centers. Others within the park include automotive, pharmaceutical and food companies.

With services at the foot of the land and 24/7 CCTV security system, CBPark offers the necessary infrastructure to carry out business in an efficient and safe manner, optimizing the industrial processes of the residents.

The Park offers plenty of parking to streamline the logistic processes of our residents, as well wide roads 14 m wide inside the park that facilitate the maneuvering of tractor-trailers and entry and exit access to the park, authorized by the SCT (Secretary of Communications and Transportation).

For a visit and tour of our facilities call (999) 331 8361 or send us an email at: [email protected]. We will be happy to serve you!
