What is an Industrial Park?

diciembre 8, 2021

The beginning of Central Business Park dates back to 2015 when Mexican and Italian entrepreneurs managed to see the great potential of Yucatán as a logistics and business center, thus creating the first industrial park of its kind in the southeast of Mexico.

Since then, CBPark has been characterized as a solid project, capable of receiving national and international companies thanks to its industrial spaces equipped with the best infrastructure and the best services.

But what is an industrial park and what are its main characteristics?

Let’s talk about Industrial Parks


The Ministry of Economy defines an industrial park as:

«Surface delimited and specially designed for the settlement of an industrial plant in suitable conditions of location, infrastructure, equipment and services, with a permanent administration for its operation».

For its part, the Mexican Association of Private Industrial Parks defines it as:

«Delimited, urbanized land, with all  the services, permits and infrastructure for the optimal operation of manufacturing and logistics companies».

Taking both definitions as a basis and in a summarized way, we can say that an industrial park is a geographically delimited extension of land, specifically designed for industrial activity and in which different companies are agglomerated.


On the other hand, the so-called industrial estates are characterized mainly by four aspects, according to the Ministry of Economy:

1) They are near some important communication route, for example: air or sea ports, roads or railways.

2) They have the necessary infrastructure: basic services of water, electricity, telephone and internal urbanization.

3) They have all the necessary permits for the operation of the industrial plants to be installed within it.

4) They have a central administration capable of coordinating internal security, the proper functioning of the infrastructure, the promotion of real estate and the general management of procedures and permits before the authorities.

However, we can also take into account the 3 characteristics detailed by the Mexican Standard for Industrial Parks (NMX-R-046-SCFI-2015):

1) They have property title, permits and design for the operation of manufacturing plants or distribution centers, in addition to being located near the main trade routes and urban areas to facilitate access to markets, suppliers, labor and educational, housing and health services.

2) They offer infrastructure and equipment for the industry, in addition to basic services such as water, electricity and telecommunications, among others, such as natural gas, railway spur, water treatment plants, etc.

3) They operate under internal regulations and have an administration that coordinates security, the proper functioning of the infrastructure, the promotion of properties and the general management of procedures and permits before authorities.

However, it is important to mention that the characteristics may vary from one park to another, so we only list the main ones.


By settling within an industrial park, companies access a series of multiple benefits, some of them are:

  • Infrastructure appropriate to your needs.
  • Security, usually 24/7.
  • They can receive different industries such as manufacturing, warehousing, food, health, aerospace, automotive, etc.
  • Urbanized spaces. Access to technology and communications.
  • They increase the value of assets.
  • Optimal location.

These are just some of the many benefits of establishing your business in an industrial park.

Finally, remember that at CBPark we work very hard every day to guarantee the capital gain on the investment of all our partners.

Contact us and quote your project!
